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HSA Book

Heterogeneous System Architecture: A new compute platform infrastructure, by Wen-mei W. Hwu, Morgan Kaufmann, 1 edition, December 18, 2015.

“…an effective combination of background, theory, and practical examples for using each of HSA’s many features. Each group of features is addressed in a chapter written by academic and corporate experts on that topic….a valuable and insightful book.” –EE Times,Heterogeneous System Architecture

Heterogeneous Systems Architecture – a new compute platform infrastructure presents a next-generation hardware platform, and associated software, that allows processors of different types to work efficiently and cooperatively in shared memory from a single source program. HSA also defines a virtual ISA for parallel routines or kernels, which is vendor and ISA independent thus enabling single source programs to execute across any HSA compliant heterogeneous processor from those used in smartphones to supercomputers.

The book begins with an overview of the evolution of heterogeneous parallel processing, associated problems, and how they are overcome with HSA. Later chapters provide a deeper perspective on topics such as the runtime, memory model, queuing, context switching, the architected queuing language, simulators, and tool chains. Finally, three real world examples are presented, which provide an early demonstration of how HSA can deliver significantly higher performance thru C++ based applications. Contributing authors are HSA Foundation members who are experts from both academia and industry. Some of these distinguished authors are listed here in alphabetical order: Yeh-Ching Chung, Benedict R. Gaster, Juan Gómez-Luna, Derek Hower, Lee Howes, Shih-Hao HungThomas B. Jablin, David Kaeli,Phil Rogers, Ben Sander, I-Jui (Ray) Sung.

Key Features:

    • Provides clear and concise explanations of key HSA concepts and fundamentals by expert HSA Specification contributors
    • Explains how performance-bound programming algorithms and application types can be significantly optimized by utilizing HSA hardware and software features
    • Presents HSA simply, clearly, and concisely without reading the detailed HSA Specification documents
    • Demonstrates ideal mapping of processing resources from CPUs to many other heterogeneous processors that comply with HSA Specifications

HSA Enabled Geometric Algebra


Gaalop – High Performance Parallel Computing based on Geometric Algebra” by Dietmar Hildenbrand, Patrick Charrier, Christian Steinmetz, Joachim Pitt and Andreas Koch

Geometric Algebra Computing is a Technology for the Integration of Geometric Algebra, a new geometrically intuitive mathematical system support on HSA via C++ AMP Dialect in the Kalmar C++ Compiler

“Foundations of Geometric Algebra Computing”

Example application: Raytracer  developed in the  Gaalop precompiler for C++ AMP available on GitHub  Raytracer project 

HSA OpenCL Course Material
  • Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL Benedict Gaster, Lee Howes, David R. Kaeli, Perhaad Mistry , Dana Schaa
  • OpenCL Programming Guide by Aaftab Munshi, Dan Ginsburg, Timothy G. Mattson, Benedict Gaster
  • HSA Computing Architecture Call for Papers